The purpose of this article is to promote the health, safety, convenience, comfort, morals, prosperity and general interest and welfare of the citizens of the city by establishing minimum standards and requirements for the maintenance of the. 64-244. Chapter 32 - GAS AND OIL. The Code Question Line is provided to respond to inquiries about Kansas City, Missouri building and zoning codes. - director of records, city auditor and. The stormwater fees provided in section 61-4 shall be payable to the water services department at the same time as the water bill, or at such other time as designated on the bill for stormwater charges. outdoor lights on lots occupied by residential buildings containing fewer than 4 dwelling units; 88-430-03-C. 62-43. Local Amendments. The offense of institutional vandalism shall be punished by a fine of not less than $300. 470 ordinances. The Kansas City Municipal Division of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri has exclusive original jurisdiction to “hear and determine” all violations of. (Supp. Other purposes of the stream buffer regulations include: 88-415-01-A. No. Sec. separate ordinances and plans) will be construed to be a single approved preliminary plan or phase. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS Codified through Ordinance No. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. Kansas City, Mo. code of. 2018 International Fire Code. Twitter: Follow @KCMO311. (Ord. 220698; Ordinance No. 414 E. Zoning and Development CodeSupplement 1Online content updated on January 25, 2012. (2) Grass, leaves, chipped brush, weeds, chipped foliage or shrub cuttings or clippings. Sec. Kansas City, MO Zoning and Development Code. 1-1. (Ord. - Renting premises for illegal sale. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 88-580, HISTORIC DESIGNATIONS AND 88-585, CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS AND ADDING NEW SECTION 88-810-045, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL, TO CLARIFY PROCEDURE FOR HISTORIC DESIGNATIONS, (254-S-286)Come here to talk about topics that are not related to development, or even Kansas City. - mayor and council; article iii. , Kansas City, MO 64106. 2018 International Mechanical Code. 50-175. 414 E. adopted 6/22/23. outdoor light fixtures producing light directly by the combustion of fossil fuels, such as, kerosene lanterns or gas lamps; 88-430-03-E. County Council and. The city planning and development director may authorize a portion of a development's off- street parking and vehicular use areas to be gravel on the development site, as follows: 1. View City Hall hours and holidays. 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; Ordinances for Kansas City, MO Code of Ordinances. an ordinance amending chapter 88, code of ordinances, by repealing section 88-321, short term rental regulations, and enacting in lieu thereofa new section oflike number and subject matter; repealing sections 88-110-03, 88420-03, 88-130-04 and 88440-03, uses, and enacting in lieu thereof new sections oflike number and. No. - Recyclable materials collection; drop-off sites authorized. (a) A person commits the ordinance violation of unlawful use of weapons, except as otherwise provided by RSMo 571. Chapter 28 - FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT. amending chapter 74, code of ordinances of the kansas city, missouri, kansas city redevelopment ordinance, by repealing section 74-54, establishment of the commission, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter, repealing section 74-57, delegation of authority, and repealing section 74-58, meetings;. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. general provisions: chapter 2. KC 60 in 60 - July. CODE City of PITTSBURG, KANSAS Codified through Ordinance No. View City Hall hours and. Zoning and Development Code. version: May 17, 2023 (current) CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VOLUME I. article i. PART I - CHARTER OF THE CITY OF KANSAS CITY,. Municipal Code Corporation's agent for copyright issues relating to this Website is Rick Grant. an ordinance amending chapter 88, code of ordinances, by repealing section 88-321, short term rental regulations, and enacting in lieu thereofa new section oflike number and subject matter; repealing sections 88-110-03, 88420-03, 88-130-04 and 88440-03, uses, and enacting in lieu thereof new sections oflike number and. PDF Word HTML. Show/Hide. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. City of. 60 through 2-970. No. ARTICLE VIII. Kansas City, MO Code of Ordinances. code of ordinances city of kansas city, missouri volume i; supplement history table modified; part i - charter of the city of kansas city, missouri; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - contracts and leases; chapter 4 - advertising; chapter 6 - airports and aviation; chapter 8 - air quality; chapter 10. , Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78 – Water Rules and Regulations for Water Main Extensions and Relocations Water Main Extension projects are managed on Compass KC. 816-513-1313. code of ordinances city of kansas city, missouri volume i; supplement history table modified; part i - charter of the city of kansas city, missouri; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - contracts and leases; chapter 4 - advertising; chapter 6 - airports and aviation; chapter 8 - air quality; chapter 10. 64-242. Chapter 24 - DRIVER TRAINING SCHOOLS AND INSTRUCTORS. 28-71. Title 1. . PREFACE. Sec. 39 pertained to similar subject matter, and derived from Ord. The Kansas City Building and Rehabilitation Code outlines the minimum requirements for construction within the City of Kansas City, Mo. Cross reference— Tampering with or damaging property of another, § 50-121 . Kansas City, MO Zoning and Development Code. Chapter 33 -. code of ordinances city of kansas city, missouri volume i; supplement history table; part i - charter of the city of kansas city, missouri; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - contracts and leases; chapter 4 - advertising; chapter 6 - airports and aviation; chapter 8 - air quality; chapter 10 - alcoholic. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. - mayor and council; article iii. Personal property offered for sale may be displayed within the residence, in a garage, carport, and/or yard, but only such areas. Amending Resolution No. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (816) 513-6401, if you have any questions. This table gives the location within this Code of those ordinances adopted that are included herein. 220454; Ordinance No. (a) A person commits the ordinance violation of unlawful use of weapons, except as otherwise provided by RSMo 571. - NONRESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. 230250, enacted April 20, 2023. Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS. Municipal Code Corporation. - mayor and members of the council; article iii. 76-289. 04. City of Wichita Code. 1178 Topics 48368 Posts Last post Re: 2024 Missouri Elections by Metro Wed Jul 12, 2023 6:57 pm; Forum Announcements & Suggestions Announcements about the forum as well as comments, questions, ideas for the forum or the website in general. Health. - director of records, city auditor. Rules and Regulations for Water Service Lines Backflow Prevention Assembly Test Report To schedule a water connection permit inspection, call. DIVISION 11. DIVISION 1. er and adding a new section 38-104, for the purpose of defining unlawful employment and housing actions based on criminal history and use of criminal records; and establishing. SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE. 88-445-01-A. 130) View what's changed. 1. In addition to promoting the general purposes of this zoning and development code, the subdivision design and improvement standards of this article (and the subdivision review and approval procedures of 88-540 through 88-555) are intended to help: . 170771 , § 1, 2-22-2018)City Manager's Office. code of ordinances city of kansas city, missouri volume i; supplement history table; part i - charter of the city of kansas city, missouri. adopted 11/15/22. Sec. 78-92. TABLE OF CONTENTS. - Authority of director. Code of OrdinancesSupplement 44Online content updated on June 23, 2023. Tickets written by the Kansas Highway Patrol are processed by the District Court. (Ord. - mayor and council; article iii. Codified through. code of ordinances city of kansas city, missouri volume i; supplement history table modified; part i - charter of the city of kansas city, missouri; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration. 2018 NFPA Life Safety Code. version: May 17, 2023 (current) CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VOLUME I. (Ord. Please see the answers to frequently asked questions below. Code of OrdinancesSupplement 130Online content updated on May 17, 2023. Municipal Code Corporation may without notice to you, but shall have no obligation to, refuse, edit and/or remove any User Generated Content that Municipal Code Corporation determines in its sole discretion to be unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. - Sale or distribution in theaters; distribution at events or performances held for religious or charitable purposes. m. Search. Inspection by the director reveals the site is not in substantial compliance with the erosion and sediment control plan, site disturbance permit, adopted standards of this Code; or. CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE ORDINANCES. 230250, enacted April 20, 2023. 10-5. Sec. Replaces Chapters 80 and 66, the previous zoning and subdivision. Code Enforcement. No. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 34, CODE OF ORDINANCES, "HEALTH AND SANITATION," BY ENACTING A NEW ARTICLE XX. 00 but not more than $500. Kansas City’s Zoning & Development Code is within Chapter 88 of the Code of Ordinances. When requested by the applicant, the occupant load of a building or portion of a building will be calculated and a fee shall be assessed of $143. more. 210961, AS. 00. The City issues “No Solicitation” signs that you can print and clearly post in your front door. DX ZONING DISTRICT. All division contacts can be found on their webpages. Leawood City Code. No. article i. 47523, which created a local port authority, for the purpose of designating specific port districts. Chapter 50 - OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 11. version: May 17, 2023 (current) CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VOLUME I. It is designed to. protecting environmental quality, including the quality of water resources and wildlife habitat;88-420-16-Q GRAVEL PARKING. 090 - Display of sale property. 414 E 12th St. No. (3) Net profits of all unincorporated businesses conducted by residents. 50-125. Whenever, in the judgment of the mayor, a state of major emergency or disaster as the terms are defined by section 2-85, Code of Ordinances, is imminent or exists, or an emergency exists as a result of mob action, riots, general civil disobedience or disorder, the mayor shall, in addition to all other powers granted by the laws of this state and the. We are on. Municipal Code Corporation may without notice to you, but shall have no obligation to, refuse, edit and/or remove any User Generated Content that Municipal Code Corporation determines in its sole discretion to be unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. (b) Responsibilities of the director of codes administration under this chapter may be performed by authorized representatives of the director. 191011; Ordinance No. DIVISION 10. adopted 5/4/23. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing!kansas city, mo zoning and development code. This Code shall be known and may be cited as the "Code of Ordinances, City of Kansas City, Missouri," or simply as "the Code of Ordinances" or "the Code," and shall be treated and considered as a new and comprehensive original ordinance which shall completely supersede the. adopted 5/4/23. kansas city redevelopment ordinance: chapter 75. - Unlawful use of weapons—Generally. com . 64-241. 27-1. The officer in charge of such department shall be known as the director of the general. Share Link Share Link to section. - Responsibility of appeal board. Municipal Code Corporation. improving stormwater management and helping to prevent flooding; 88-415-01-C. No. Municipal Court is open 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday. Code of Ordinances Supplement 130 Update 3 Online content updated on March 23, 2023. Sec. Chapter 26 - FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. No person shall take, throw, place or cause to be taken, thrown or placed glass beverage bottles in or upon any park, recreational facility or public grounds under the control or supervision of the board of parks and recreation commissioners of the city. Solicitors must identify themselves and their company’s name, must leave if requested by residents. Sec. org. Development compliance: land use and development. - Construction or reconstruction in streetscape areas. - departments. and 9 p. 220612 Adopted 10/27/22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18, CODE OF ORDINANCES BY REPEALING SECTIONS 18-10, UNSAFE STRUCTURES.